Entreno 19/04/2016
A: Power Snatch Principiantes mejora de la técnica Avanzados: 2/4 75% 2/4 80% B: Time cap 10' 3 rounds 10 Toes to bar 15 Power Snatch...
Entreno 16/04/2016
“Holleyman” 30 rounds for time of 5 Wall Ball 9/7kg 3 Handstand Push Ups 1 Power Clean 102/60kg #Holleyman #hero #hspu #wallball #powerclean
Entreno 30/03/2016
A. EMOM 9' Min. 1 – 8 Supine Strict pull ups Min. 2 – 12 Tempo Push-Ups Min. 3 – 20 V-Ups B: Por parejas: AMRAP 13' 30 Deadlift 100/60kg...
Entreno 29/03/2016
Equipos 3-6 personas 1ª Fase 2 Rounds Min 1. Cal row Min 2. DB Clean 20/15kg Min 3. Push ups Min 4. Burpees Min 5. Cluster with Slam Ball...
Entreno 17/03/2016
A: Skill: 15' double unders B: EMOM 16' Min 1. 8 Push press 50/35kg 10 Burpees overs Min 2. 10 Wall Ball 9/7kg 10 Chest to bar pull ups...
Entreno 07/03/2016
A: Back Squat 4/4 80% 3RM B: 3 rondas 30 Wall Ball 9/7kg 20 Box jump 60/50cm 400m run #BackSquat #WallBall #Boxjump #run
Entreno 29/02/2016
A: EMOM 6' 4 Back Squat 90% - 3RM B: EMOM 12' Min 1. 15 KB swing 24/16kg + 10 V-ups Min 2. 15 Burpee to Box jump 60/50cm Min 3. Max. Wall...
Entreno 26/02/2016
A: 3RM Clean B: 4 rounds 3' ON / 2' OFF 400m run 1. Max. Double unders 2. Max. Bastards 3. Max. Wall Ball 9/7kg 4. Max. DB Snatch 20/15kg...
Entreno 18/02/2016
A: Death by burpees B: AMRAP 10' 5 Pull ups 10 Wall Ball 9/7kg 15 Box jump 60/50cm #Burpees #Pullups #wallball #boxjump
Entreno 10/02/2016
A: Back Squat 1RM B: EMOM 16' Min 1. 5 Bear Complex 45/30kg Min 2. 15 Wall Ball 10 Epic push ups Min 3. Max. Ring Dips Min 4. Rest...