Entreno 12/04/2016
A: Back Squat 3/4 90% - 3RM B: Por tiempo: 800m run After running: 2 rounds 5 Wall Climb 20 KB clean 24/!6kg 30 Knees to elbows 40 Slam...
Entreno 29/03/2016
Equipos 3-6 personas 1ª Fase 2 Rounds Min 1. Cal row Min 2. DB Clean 20/15kg Min 3. Push ups Min 4. Burpees Min 5. Cluster with Slam Ball...
Entreno 21/03/2016
A: Circuito pliométrico B: Por tiempo 30 Burpee to box jump 30 Toes to bar 4 Wall Climb 20 Burpee to box jump 20 Toes to bar 6 Wall Climb...
Entreno 25/01/2016
A: 1 Max Broad Jump 3 Attempts B: 2 rounds for time: 400m run 40 Mountain climbers 30 Toes to bar 20 Wall Ball 9/7kg 10 Burpee to Box...
Entreno 22/01/2016
A: Back Squat 3/4 75% 2/3 85% B: 3 rounds 8 Wall Climb 20 Box jump 60/50cm 40 Sit ups #Backsquat #Wallclimb #Boxjump #Situps